
Indiana House Dem leader hints at another walkout

Patrick Bauer, the leader of Indiana’s House Democrats, hinted Wednesday that party lawmakers may walk out for the second year in a row to oppose the same Republican-led right-to-work bill thwarted last year by their five-week boycott.

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Taxpayer refund has to survive 2012 session

A state tax processing error resulting in $320 million more in the bank for the state and improved tax collections could put a nominal amount back in Hoosiers' purses and wallets next year. But a bi-partisan thirst to restore education funding and pay down state debts could just as easily take that refund away.

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Indiana may be ground zero for right-to-work fight

Indiana’s anticipated battle next month over a right-to-work law is expected to rival last year’s epic Wisconsin union fight that drew 180,000 protestors to Madison rallies and became the focus of national media attention.

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