
Letter: The meaning of words matters

In the past year, how many times have we seen or heard the words “equity,” “inclusion,” “diversity,” “systemic racism,” “social justice”? These are language terms that have been driven into the American mindset and culture and glommed onto by so many organizations and businesses and political groups.

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Letter: Kudos to solar power

I firsthand am receiving the benefits of generating my own power, and with net metering, being part of the solution of the grid and not the problem.

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Letter: Other schools have female presidents

I was disappointed to see that your article suggested that there were only three Indiana colleges and universities who are currently under female leadership. Noticeably, you neglected to mention Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana.

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Letter: Income inequality is growing

There is no standardized methodology for estimating wealth and income inequality. This makes it tempting for one to choose a methodology that resembles one’s politics.

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Letter: Don’t hinder mass transit

We are at a “red flag” moment in the evolution of transportation in greater Indianapolis. Either we give our young professionals the transportation options that they expect before they move away or we have an official ceremony and declare ourselves officially married, for better or for worse, to the automobile and massive highway construction expense.

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Letter: Pass FAFSA bill to bolster workforce

The Indiana legislation requires high school seniors to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid—referred to as FAFSA—or have a parent, principal or counselor waive that requirement.

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