
Letter: Turn downtown offices into residential space

With downtown residential space supply very limited currently, and with commercial office space experiencing higher than normal vacancy rates (due to both COVID-19 and technological advances), consideration should be given to reusing this space for residential—thus bringing people back downtown on a 24-hour basis.

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Letter: Senator’s view is contradictory

If the federal government can be trusted with supervising and enforcing environmental law to protect Indiana’s water, why can’t the Republican Party also trust the federal government with overseeing education?

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Letter: Support climate legislation

This bill places a fee on carbon at its source, such as an oil well or coal mine, and returns all of the net revenue monthly back to households to pay for the added costs.

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Letter: Give servers a raise

Many Hoosier voters don’t know that Indiana’s minimum wage is really $2.13 per hour. That is what waiters and waitresses make at many restaurants in Indiana.

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Letter: Support legislation to cut emissions

Upon implementation, carbon emissions would drop by 40% over 12 years, while creating more than 2 million jobs, adding $70-plus billion to our GDP and providing a monthly dividend to all U.S. households—all without introducing a single new regulation.

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Letter: Cosmetologists need licensing

In Jennifer Wagner’s column [Pandemic offers opportunity to rethink regulations, Forefront, Jan. 15], her choice of licensed professions to compare was interesting. I agree the two professions (real estate agent and cosmetologist) seem, on the surface, to be treated unequally. However, I disagree with her statement that “a sloppy real estate agent is likely to do more long-term damage than crooked bangs.”

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Letter: Make column required reading

The column titled “We must accept election results as part of free market, society” [Jan. 22] should be required reading for all politicians and all who care about our democracy.

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Letter: Violence can’t be compared

I don’t agree with columnist Riley Parr’s comment that “it is the height of hypocrisy for those on the left to (rightfully) decry the absurdity that took place at the Capitol on Jan. 6 when they turned a blind eye six months ago when cities burned.”

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Letter: Leave law enforcement to the police

From first grade to 12th grade, law enforcement officers came to our schools and stated: “Never take law enforcement into your own hands.” That’s what homeowner groups are doing with license plate cameras.

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