
Letter: On Morris farewell

Greg Morris will undoubtedly continue his excellent service to our great city, perhaps through using his talent and experience with a not-for-profit organization and its worthwhile mission or in a role with the government.

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Letter: Common sense for public safety

There needs to be a complete understanding by all citizens that the moment you take the step from peaceful protesting to damaging property or assaulting others that you are now a criminal and will be arrested, regardless of what your cause may be.

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Letter: Look beyond utilities for our energy future

Thousands of ordinary Hoosiers have invested in distributed-energy resources like customer-owned rooftop solar and battery storage. Survey data from Indiana University shows that a majority of Hoosiers want to add solar to their home.

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Letter: Troops defend democracy at home and abroad

Throughout our nation’s history, we have served as an example to other countries seeking the kind of freedoms that we, as Americans, too often take for granted. Veterans, more than anyone else, have made the sacrifices for such freedoms.

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Letter: All are to blame for lack of federal assistance

Reasonable people might differ on the details. But reasonable people are elected and appointed to resolve differences on behalf of our country. And there is no debating the many industries—and when we say industries, we’re really talking about people, jobs, families and livelihoods—are suffering.

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Letter: It’s time for us to depolarize

A non-political, non-partisan group formed in 2016 called Braver Angels is stepping up to help America depolarize. In its campaign, With Malice Toward None, Braver Angels is reaching out to individuals, churches, schools, and civic organizations with a program that these groups can use to help their own members depolarize before and after the November election.

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Letter: Lawmakers serve capitalist cronies

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? Not with the crony capitalists currently running the General Assembly. They don’t seem to care about the well-being of their own constituents.

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