
Letter: On political parties and student-loan debt

Regarding Pierre Atlas’ column in Forefront, my Republican friends are proud to point out how instrumental Republicans were to the passage of major Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, ignoring the subsequent history of that party under Nixon.

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Letter: School decisions undermine equity stance

The decision to close schools assumes that families have the resources to provide daytime care for children, whether that be the parents, another family member, or a paid service (daycare, nanny, private school, etc.).

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Letter: Community is committed to Reuben Center

The temporary closing of the REC in April was a difficult decision reached by a team of dedicated public health officials informed by the best science at the time and motivated by only one imperative: as configured, can the REC operate without increasing the likelihood that our homeless neighbors struggling with addiction and the dedicated REC staff will contract COVID?

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LETTER: Thank you for good care

My son Adam is my world and, like for most parents, his well-being and safety is my number one priority. That’s why when he tested positive for COVID-19 my heart sank. Even though the virus hadn’t impacted adults around his age, 40, as severely as other groups, Adam is at higher risk because of underlying […]

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LETTER: Hill is no role model

I am a frequent reader of Curt Smith’s columns and enjoy his perspectives on matters which are important to our community. With respect to his July 10 Forefront column, “Three voices worth hearing in fight to stop violence,” I respectfully disagree with his choice of Curtis Hill as one of those voices. The point about […]

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LETTER: Positive news much appreciated

The alternating columns of Greg Morris and Nate Feltman are always thoughtful, informative and enjoyable, whether or not one agrees with the opinion expressed in each. I was motivated to write a long overdue letter of appreciation after reading Feltman’s column in the July 17 IBJ: “Are you ready for some positive news?” My answer […]

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LETTER: You can’t delete the past

I was especially pleased to see Indiana University McKinney School of Law student Riley Parr’s valid reasoning in his recent Forefront column [Don’t consider history in the context of today, Forefront, July 17]. Don’t you wish that all the so-called Constitutional EXPERTS really knew what they were talking about? Deleting persons of veneration of the […]

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LETTER: Closing of homeless resource worsens panhandling

Our city has an issue, but there is a way to start working on a solution. Regarding Greg Morris’ recent column [City must address panhandling to ensure downtown’s survival, July 10], the increase in panhandling downtown can be directly linked to the loss of a vital resource, The Reuben Engagement Center, a 30-bed facility at […]

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Letter: Listen to scientists

Much as I, personally, would love to get back to a “normal” situation, I am willing to delay gratification and proceed with much thought and discussion on activities we would love to resume.

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Letter: Cities abused by police unions

Language in collective bargaining agreements tying the hands of local officials to discipline or terminate poor performance should never have been allowed at all and is likely in conflict with state law.

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