
GOP should tighten charter-school oversight

For-profit school proposals need more vetting and oversight than the Republicans seem willing to support. It’s time to ask our representatives to change their approach, or we need to change these legislators.

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Letter: Solve surprise billing with fairness, common sense

I own a small construction company. In the past five years our health care costs have increased $1.43 per hour; a 30% increase since 2015. For 2020, we were hit with another 10% increase. A company simply cannot absorb those increases and remain competitive.

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Letter: Do your part to stop payday loan theft

Every year payday loan companies take $70 million out of the Indiana economy in fees and make huge profits off the backs of the poor, mostly affecting those in our urban areas and predominantly people of color.

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Letter: Thank you, Mickey

I am so appreciative of your support of equal opportunities for all, your straight talk on racism and discrimination, for your sensible approach to issues of gay marriage and abortion and all those sticky, scary topics which divide us, especially in Indiana.

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Letter: Maurer column will be missed

Mickey Maurer’s final column brought back a lot of memories of past columns, most of which I agreed with, many of which I learned from, but all of which I frankly enjoyed. Along

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Letter: Protect God’s creation

Gary Varvel’s statements regarding man not being able to destroy the climate because God would not allow it is putting way too much of a burden on God for the failures of man.

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