Letter: Hoosier hospitals betray public trust
Gloria Sachdev’s Viewpoint [Hoosier hospitals owe us greater price transparency, April 26] accurately exposes the obscene extent to which many Indiana hospitals are overcharging the public.
Gloria Sachdev’s Viewpoint [Hoosier hospitals owe us greater price transparency, April 26] accurately exposes the obscene extent to which many Indiana hospitals are overcharging the public.
Fox is the only network that actually reports news. The rest are lock and step with the left.
The Indy Star made a bad mistake letting Gary Varvel go.
CEO Brian Payne, an extraordinary visionary, has more great ideas, creative- and coalition-building talent than any politician on the horizon.
What’s special about Carmel, and Midtown in particular, is that it illustrates the transformative power of cohesive mixed-use redevelopments in suburban settings.
Why favor gender when today’s world demands “equality”? All genders and ages need items that are “simply necessary to personal hygiene.” Soap, deodorant, shampoo, water I would argue are necessary to personal hygiene.
It is time to end the war on crime and drugs. As a first step, we need to change how we think of those coming home from prison and jail. Few of our citizens returning to the community from prison are immoral, malicious and unredeemable.
I offer my enthusiastic support of IBJ’s recent editorial [Community needs to act on income inequality problems, March 29], which addresses data released this month by the Brookings Institution about the gap between those who are thriving in central Indiana and those who aren’t. Like IBJ, the Marian University community—board, administration, faculty, staff and students—finds […]
Two columnists from two completely different geographic and political sections of the country, and both understand the importance of civic involvement and political duty, and not just for the biased and trend-following portion of our urban population.
Prior to making broad generalizations around the need for “attention, engagement, and scrutiny,” it is important to ensure that all of the facts are in place.
Mr. Moistner calls the Indiana Forest Alliance a “conflict industry” that only exists to fight. Actually, the IFA and the Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association began a dialogue in good faith; while we still disagree on some matters, we agree on others.
Neglected kids become disruptors and dropouts once their hormones start running.
The lack of an accurate representation of the black community in a recent story could project a false sense of unanimity on our concerns about IPS. But more significantly, it conceals the diversity of perspectives within the black community on the future of IPS.
Currently, school success is tied to student performance on high-stakes tests, like ISTEP 10. Our outdated, one-size-fits-all graduation and diploma system limits student potential and does not fully prepare every kid for life after high school.
Fred Glynn’s challenge in Carmel is not the incumbent mayor but the epidemic indifference of the city’s voters.
In today’s economy, the best way to build a broader tax base and a more dynamic business community is to embrace a diverse workforce.
State Rep. Carey Hamilton’s ideas to improve voter access in Indiana are common sense ideas, all well-proven in other states.
The Division of Forestry, staffed by real foresters, has no intention of liquidating our state forests. That would make no sense. The forest products industry gains nothing by lowering hardwood values and cutting away their futures.
Simply responding to requests may feel good in the moment, but it isn’t the most effective approach.
If Congress cannot stop overspending, the tax revenue has to come from somewhere and it has to come from where the money is at.