Letter: Market gyrations meaningless to most
The stock market may be a leading indicator, but it is often wrong.
The stock market may be a leading indicator, but it is often wrong.
Michael LaFaive and Todd Nesbit miss the point when they argue against raising the state’s cigarette tax.
In early December the Indiana Manufacturers Association launched a regional manufacturing education initiative working with education partners so classes can be customized and available in the communities where jobs are waiting.
It is such an elegant bill that it also adds millions of jobs and improves the economy at the same time.
We need more bike racks in secure, safe and lighted locations. Bike lockers would also be a great addition to help promote commuting in and out of downtown.
When the Pacers can pay their players an average salary approaching 10 figures (that’s $10 million yearly, folks!), I think they should be able to fund any improvements to the facility where they play their home games.
The defeat of Republican State Sen. Mike Delph was not only about the demographics in his district. The vote was also about his RFRA stand and the voters’ opposition to his anti-equality platform.
Civility is seen as a vice instead of a virtue and creating an environment of xenophobia and nationalism to gain short term policy wins is unwisely lauded.
True equality will never occur until we concentrate on electing the most qualified person regardless of sex, race or sexual preference.
Tripling the tax on a pack of cigarettes and giving it to Legislators and administrators is folly. It just gives them more money to waste
As one of the 25 most-visited museums in North America, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is a peer to museums in cities where visitors expect to have easy access to them via transit. With the Red Line, Indianapolis will meet those expectations.
A mentor relationship is unique and often incredibly special—a simple thank you goes a long way.
You may not think your vote can make a difference, but it does.
One reader says city must deal with homeless population at Circle; another says look to Holland, Michigan, as a model.
Most people would support a trail that leaves the tracks intact. But they reject a vision of the right of way’s “destiny” that involves pop-up shops, drone zones and aromatic gardens.
Apparently Judge Kavanaugh’s six or so FBI background checks are not enough for Sheila Suess Kennedy.
As a driver I was appalled by the total disregard for safety and rules of the road the scooter riders had.
It is our loss if we do not open our eyes and see individual immigrants for who they are and what they can do as Americans, if we give them the chance.
This nation needs exactly what Nate Feltman called for in his column about Mitch Daniels.
My life experience tells me that nearly all concerns can be addressed by people actually listening and conversing with each other