
LETTER: Lucases help not-for-profits

The ability to host a high-end event that does not blow our budget means that organizations like ours can focus more on mission delivery (and less on more fundraising).

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LETTER: Launch has sparked growth

Launch Fishers has achieved national acclaim because of the investment, resourcefulness and perseverance provided by John Wechsler, Mayor Fadness and the city. 

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LETTER: Protest column off target

The NFL and its players should not forget those tireless citizens who are still able to look at life through a color-blind prism and save lives on a monumental scale every day without a protest.

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LETTER: Reusing Angie’s campus

I envision this campus serving as a hub for a collection of tech startups or an incubator, where the operations all share the common amenities.

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LETTER: Free speech rights should extend to work

Employees should not be asked to hold their tongues, or otherwise be someone they are not when at work for fear of losing their job. Politics is part of who each of us are. It is a manifestation of our values and our social conscious.

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LETTER: Keep tiny house parked

Tiny houses should stay in your back yard, at the lake or in the woods where they can be enjoyed, not being hauled around wasting more resources than were saved creating them.

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LETTER: Smart growth means sensible regulation

Many businesses have large amounts of impervious surfaces on their rooftops and parking lots with no areas to allow for natural drainage to wetlands or corridors planted with native species that filter harmful substances and clean the water before it enters the storm sewer system.

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LETTER: Senator right on health care

We are hopeful that now the Senate can work together in a bipartisan way to improve our nation’s health care system and ensure that all Americans have quality and affordable health care.

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LETTER: Lobbyist wrong on ethanol

Thanks to ethanol, Indiana farmers and the biofuels industry are saving consumers at the pump, providing higher octane at a lower cost, all while lowering tail pipe emissions.  

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