
LETTER: WTTS is no radio rebel

am exactly the target listener they are trying to attract, but can no longer tolerate the saturation airplay of the same John Mellencamp, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty and Dave Matthews Band songs played year after year by WTTS.

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LETTER: Stadium story underplays costs

Of all the numbers listed in your article about Lucas Oil Stadium [At a crossroads? July 24], you did not mention what the annual payments and debt service dollars are that the city must continue to pay for the stadium. Nor did you mention how much the city still owes on the Hoosier Dome (yes, the […]

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LETTER: Media needs to look at reality of ACA

This standoff started when the ACA was force fed through the Democratic-led House and Senate, along partisan lines, as part of a partisan agenda, and among lies about the legislation’s effect on those who had health care.

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LETTER: Vouchers’ effectiveness completely unproven

Basically, we have a one-party political state that holds itself up as being conservative yet we continue to take millions of dollars out of the public school system and plow it in to vouchers and charter schools without any significant, measurable, or quantifiable increase in student achievement.

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LETTER: ISTA leader focuses on wrong ideals

Responding to Teresa Meredith’s viewpoint [State can’t afford two school systems, June 26], she would have us eliminate public funds for vouchers to private schools and one presumes charter schools and use that money to increase funding for public schools and “… get serious about doing what works.” Her concept (and that of ISTA) of […]

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LETTER: Diversity museum for city hall

Indy touts itself as an international city, so why not turn the historic city hall into an international center and museum celebrating our diversity [City set to solicit new ideas from developers for Old City Hall property,, June 21]? __________ Georgia Buchanan

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LETTER: Indy neighborhoods need smart growth

Unfortunately, providing adequate parkland in the northern tier of Marion County townships, including Washington Township, has not been a high priority either for the city or for most community groups.

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