
Letter: IBJ erred in running Rokita’s COVID column

There are literally thousands of health care workers, researchers and statisticians around the country working hard to make sense of the constantly changing landscape of this pandemic and the ever changing SARS CoV-2 virus.

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Letter: Parents need support to help students

Many parents do not have the resources, background and understanding that allows them to both actively participate and continuously push their children to learn and to excel. Great schools and great teachers cannot do this alone.

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IU Health should cut costs now

Why stick with high prices and announce you’ll freeze your high prices for five years to allow inflation to catch up to your high prices?

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Letter: IBJ wrong on vaccine

For the first time in my 30-plus years of subscribing to the paper, I felt your statement was politically driven and not reality driven.

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Letter: Economy, urban design columns conflict

Cecil Bohanon and Nick Curott’s column “Give thanks to Pilgrims for private-property rights” suggests “binary thinking”: private property equals good; working together and sharing equals bad.

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Letter: Next year will be pivotal for Biden, U.S.

As the average working person realizes a lower standard of living due to the greatest rate of inflation in decades, the American economy will be on the edge of falling off the cliff. And printing trillions more dollars will only accelerate the fall.

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Letter: IBJ is wrong about vaccine mandates

If you don’t like government mandates, where is your editorial opposing those pesky speed limits that local, state and federal governments mandate for our safety and health? The examples of government mandates are legion.

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