
Letter: City should do more to protect Idle park

Set between interstates 65 and 70 in the city’s highway “spaghetti bowl,” this diamond-shaped pocket park on the Indianapolis Cultural Trail was an oasis of rest and relaxation for travelers on the trail.

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Letter: Bail funds don’t need regulation

Bail funds have existed for decades as a community-based response to the growing use of pretrial detention, and recent analyses show that releasing more people pretrial does not lead to increases in crime.

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Letter: Chamber urges action on COVID-19

While a federal vaccine mandate for certain employers is looming, we believe that decision should be left up to individual employers. They are in the best position to address any work environment challenges.

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Letter: Vaccines allow spread

This policy of “your body, my choice” is dated and misguided based on real science on what these shots are, how they work and the global results.

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Letter: Abuse is not key housing issue

The housing crisis is not good for anyone—renters or landlords. Hopefully, our community will rally around systemic and sustainable policy solutions instead of searching for a few examples of abuse.

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