Letters to the Editor
Letter: Senators should vote no on Donnelly
While Sen. Donnelly is a member of my party, that is not a reason to carry on a needless taxpayer expense. Let the U.S. Embassy to Italy handle matters with the Vatican.
Letter: City Market deserves to be salvaged
I’m glad the city is doing the work to be thoughtful about this downtown anchor.
Letter: City should do more to protect Idle park
Set between interstates 65 and 70 in the city’s highway “spaghetti bowl,” this diamond-shaped pocket park on the Indianapolis Cultural Trail was an oasis of rest and relaxation for travelers on the trail.
Letter: Bail funds don’t need regulation
Bail funds have existed for decades as a community-based response to the growing use of pretrial detention, and recent analyses show that releasing more people pretrial does not lead to increases in crime.
Letter: Bohanon and Curott stir political pot
What to B&C may be profligate spending on widely-distributed local projects is more appropriately seen as an exercise in distributing the benefits broadly, if imperfectly, among future taxpayers.
Letter: Teachers can reuse event materials
We at Teachers’ Treasures happily find homes for all sorts of things folks don’t think have value.
Letter: Now is not time for a tax cut
We keep wanting to lower taxes but then never get done what is needed.
Letter: City should not subsidize museum
Indianapolis taxpayers have subsidized Jim Irsay’s lavish lifestyle for far too long.
Letter: Renn is right on with column about City-County Building
Thank you to Aaron Renn for an assertive and well-thought-out piece on the future of the City-County Building! You took the words right out of my mouth!
Letter: Chamber urges action on COVID-19
While a federal vaccine mandate for certain employers is looming, we believe that decision should be left up to individual employers. They are in the best position to address any work environment challenges.
Letter: Vaccines allow spread
This policy of “your body, my choice” is dated and misguided based on real science on what these shots are, how they work and the global results.
Letter: Afghanistan column ignores key fact
Half the population can’t make ends meet financially and amounts of tax-dollar expenditures only raise concern when earmarked for infrastructure and people here.
Letter: Hamilton County vaccination rates high
When the pandemic started, the Hamilton County Emergency Management Department and Health Department moved quickly and decisively.
Letter: Arts center is not in the black
The Carmel Center for the Performing Arts is deeply in the red and has been since day one.
Letter: Kennedy column isn’t based on facts
I’ve been fully vaccinated, but I just tested positive for COVID. Am I a Democrat or a Republican?
Letter: Abuse is not key housing issue
The housing crisis is not good for anyone—renters or landlords. Hopefully, our community will rally around systemic and sustainable policy solutions instead of searching for a few examples of abuse.
Letter: Columnists should do more research
Cecil Bohanon and Nick Curott’s “economic analysis” in the Aug. 20 issue of IBJ sounds like the uninformed musings of a professor who never ventures out into the real world.
Letter: Indiana senators should have voted yes on infrastructure bill
Do Indiana Sens. Todd Young and Mike Braun care about the thousands of companies and businesses that rely heavily on Indiana roads, bridges, airports and ports to move their goods across the state, nation and globe?