
Lilly’s Lechleiter: No change in plans

The global financial press keeps asking John Lechleiter for his end-game strategy to survive Eli Lilly and Co.'s nightmarish
patent challenges. And, like a broken record, the Lilly CEO keeps giving the same answer: pipeline, pipeline, pipeline—no

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David Stocum is the director of the Center for Regenerative Biology and Medicine at the IUPUI School of Science.
He and his team are studying how amphibians regenerate parts of their bodies to see if there are ways to induce humans to
regenerate tissue that is lost or damaged. The center has about 20 researchers and funding of about $14 million to fuel its

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Promising ethanol yeast nears market launch

A firm that may have developed a breakthrough yeast for ethanol production has landed new investment and high-octane board
members. Two-year-old Xylogenics Inc. also says it plans to license its first bioengineered yeast later this year.

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AIT Labs moving headquarters, adding 160 jobs

The Indianapolis-based forensics, clinical and pharmaceutical testing firm, led by CEO Michael Evans, plans to invest $74
million to acquire and equip
an existing 90,000-square-foot building in Woodland Corporate Park near West 79th Street and Interstate 465.

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Chao exit hurts drug development industry

Purdue University’s decision to close the Chao Center in West Lafayette is a setback for Indiana’s effort to grow
a vibrant contract drug manufacturing sector. But it’s just the latest in a series of unexpected changes—not all for
the worse—since Indianapolis-based BioCrossroads launched a contract drug manufacturing initiative in late 2007.

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