
City panel tables approval of new towing contract

The Indianapolis Board of Code Enforcement put off voting on a new citywide towing-management contract Thursday after members said they wanted more information about the bids from San Francisco-based AutoReturn and its local competitors.

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Mayor suspends land bank after indictments

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Wednesday sidelined a city program that sells vacant and tax-delinquent properties, one day after federal prosecutors indicted two of its top officials for allegedly accepting bribes and kickbacks.

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Counties worry about cost of sentencing overhaul

Indiana counties could be forced to pay some of the costs of a change in the state’s criminal code that is designed to keep low-level offenders out of prison while ensuring the worst serve more of their sentences.

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Indy Parks, county assessor poised for budget cuts

Two ordinances that would reduce the Indianapolis budget by $1.6 million will be introduced to the City-County Council on Monday. The largest cuts will come from the Marion County Assessor’s office, the parks department and mayor’s office.

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