
Ballard plans to strengthen panhandling ordinance

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard wants to ban all forms of panhandling in the city's busiest downtown area following long-running complaints from convention officials and city boosters about people begging for money along downtown streets.

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Ballard plans new redevelopment effort for Market Square site

Mayor Greg Ballard, in his annual State of the City speech scheduled for Friday, plans to call for new proposals for the downtown site that previously was home to Market Square Arena. The city expects the proposals to include a high-rise building with a major retail component.

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Drywall contractor charged with underpaying employees

An Indianapolis drywall contractor faces criminal charges that he underpaid his employees working on a government housing project, and then falsified documents to cover it up, the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office announced Friday.

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Mass-transit measure passes key House hurdle

The House Ways and Means Committee cleared the bill, which would allow voters to decide whether to add 0.3 percent to local income tax rates to pay for a proposed central Indiana mass-transit system.

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