
Tube manufacturer moving HQ to Carmel

Precision Products Group Inc. is set to move its corporate office this month into a 3,402-square-foot space at 10201 N. Illinois St., state economic development officials announced Wednesday.

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Manufacturer turns tiny cars into big business

GreenLight Collectibles—a maker and wholesaler of replica cars, trucks, boats, trailers and other diminutive look-alikes—has managed to gain speed with growing revenue and new distribution deals—all while many of its competitors have hit the wall.

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Officials point fingers on Carrier, UTEC layoffs

Are federal regulations to blame? Gov. Mike Pence says yes. Sen. Joe Donnelly says no. And in a now-viral video, a Carrier official tells employees the move to Mexico makes it cheaper to produce its products.

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State wants cash back from Carrier, UTEC as jobs flee to Mexico

Indiana economic development officials say they will seek to recapture some of the $530,000 in incentives taxpayers have given United Technologies Corp. and its subsidiary Carrier Corp., which combined will lay off 2,100 people in Indiana and send the jobs south of the border.

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