Seattle-based bar-accessory business plans local warehouse, 101 jobs
True Fabrications Inc. has proposed occupying an existing 125,194-square-foot building in Warren Township to use as its first regional distribution center outside of Washington.
True Fabrications Inc. has proposed occupying an existing 125,194-square-foot building in Warren Township to use as its first regional distribution center outside of Washington.
The United Technologies Corp. division that includes brands such as Carrier and Bryant will raise the amount it charges for residential and commercial HVAC equipment by as much as 5 percent, according to a company statement.
President-elect Donald Trump is threatening to impose heavy taxes on U.S. companies that move jobs overseas and still try to sell their products to Americans.
Union workers and economists say pressuring individual factory owners won’t save U.S. manufacturing jobs lost to economic forces that are beyond the control of companies or the president.
On Giving Tuesday, Appirio employees redesigned an education charity’s website that hadn’t been updated since 2010.
The New York-based tech firm, which established an office here in 2015, announced companywide jobs cuts earlier this week, some of which have hit locally.
Emma Hostetter’s business generated $100,000 in revenue in its first year—without an actual website. She has one now, and it’s about to get an e-commerce component.
Under a deal with Indiana officials, Carrier Corp. plans to keep hundreds of manufacturing jobs in Indianapolis and upgrade its facility for gas furnace production.
A 700-worker factory in northeastern Indiana facing closure doesn’t appear to be part of a deal President-elect Donald Trump struck with its parent company to keep hundreds of jobs at an Indianapolis plant.
President-elect Donald Trump is reviving the persuasive art of “jawboning” as he uses the bully pulpit to strong-arm straying manufacturers. But for how long will it be effective, and is it in the long-term best interest of the economy?
Eleven of 18 industries surveyed by the Institute for Supply Management posted growth in November, including petroleum, paper, plastics and computers and electronics.
President-elect Donald Trump’s job-retention deal with Carrier Corp. could have symbolic value, some business and economic experts say, but isn't likely to alter long-term manufacturing trends.
Carrier Corp. was motivated to retain 1,000 manufacturing jobs in Indianapolis by a state incentive package and the possibility of losing a “favorable relationship with federal contractors,” according to a prominent IEDC board member.
Toyota Material Handling USA Inc. said it plans to add up to 71 workers by the end of 2019 at its facility in Columbus.
A group of real estate investors have made a $10 million bet that they can sell leases in with terms as short as one year to adolescent tech companies.
President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence plan to be in Indianapolis on Thursday to detail the deal.
The Monday after Thanksgiving is traditionally the busiest online shopping day, but stores are releasing internet deals earlier, stretching them through the week, as well as making them available in stores.
County staffers have worked many hours of overtime restoring links between the computer software and county files that were broken in the hacking attack on Nov. 4.
United Steelworkers Local 1999 president Chuck Jones said Friday that he doesn't want the plant's workers to get their hopes up, but said "some hope is better than none at all."
The company, which has announced plans to move 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico by 2019, confirmed Thursday it has had discussions with president-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration.