
Star union approves new 2-year contract

The Indianapolis Newspaper Guild voted 56-45 today to ratify a new, two-year contract with the Gannett Co.-owned Indianapolis
that includes a 10-percent pay cut and two-year wage freeze.

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Star union voting on new contract

The Indianapolis Newspaper Guild plans to vote this afternoon on a new, two-year contract with the Gannett Co.-owned Indianapolis
Star that includes a 10-percent pay cut and two-year wage freeze.

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ICVA might take out loan to market city for conventions

The Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association is so desperate for more marketing funding, the organization charged
with promoting the city as a convention and tourism destination is considering taking out a loan. While that
would be the last resort, ICVA CEO Don Welsh said it is one he will have to consider if the money can’t be raised through
local taxes.

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Kentucky Lottery chooses ad agency with Indy presence

Louisville-based Bandy Carroll Hellige, an advertising and public relations agency that also has a significant presence in Indianapolis, has been named agency of record for the Kentucky Lottery Corp. BCH will develop and execute marketing, advertising and interactive campaigns and programs for the organization. These services were previously provided by Northlich, a Cincinnati-based agency. BCH […]

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Advertising veterans launch new agency

Three Indianapolis advertising and marketing veterans have launched a new full-service agency. While the timing might not
be great—with the swooning economy—Dave Lesh, Bruce Dean and Bill Hendrickson think they have the experience to
forge a solid business.

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Dodge exits Hispanic radio stations

After 3-1/2 years, Russ Dodge has exited as general manager of WSYW-AM 810 and WEDJ-FM 107.1. Both stations, which are
owned by California-based Continental Broadcast Group LLC, air Hispanic music and programming.

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Debt maneuvers help Emmis turn quarterly profit

Emmis Communications Corp. reported a quarterly profit today after buying back a big chunk of its own debt on the cheap, but
the outlook for the company remains grim. The radio broadcaster and magazine publisher saw revenue plunge 27 percent.

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Gannett cuts cost 37 Star employees their jobs

Thirty-seven people were laid off at the Indianapolis Star yesterday and today as part of Virginia-based parent Gannett
Co. Inc.’s attempt to grapple with the swooning economy and falling advertising revenue. Seventeen of those laid off were
in the newsroom of the state’s largest daily newspaper, including seven editors, which constitutes one-fourth of the
editorial management team.

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Local radio exec Severino dies

Radio executive Tom Severino, who managed four local stations for Indianapolis-based Emmis Communications Corp., died yesterday
after a five-month battle with cancer. Severino, 57, was vice president and general manager of WIBC-FM 93.1, WLHK-FM 97.1,
WFNI-AM 1070 and WYXB-FM 105.7.

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IBJ wins 9 national journalism awards

IBJ was named third-best large-market business publication and collected eight other national awards at the Alliance
of Area Business Publications’ summer conference June 27 in Minneapolis.

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