
Ivy Tech president secured: After 21 years in charge, Lamkin signs first job pact

Ivy Tech State College trustees last month approved a first-ever employment contract for longtime President Gerald Lamkin, giving him a 9-percent pay raise and relative job security until his intended retirement in mid-2007. Such deals are increasingly common in higher education, trustees said, and the timing was right for Ivy Tech as the school takes over control of the state’s community college system and expands it to all 23 of its campuses. Formalizing Lamkin’s future now-after 21 years in the…

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STATEHOUSE DISPATCH: It’ll be full speed ahead as legislators start term

Words once uttered by a man who certainly qualifies as an honorary Hoosier-Mario Andretti-will probably prove prophetic as we watch Indiana’s new governor and General Assembly over the next four months. “If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough,” Mario once said. That may well be the mantra of Gov.-elect Mitch Daniels and the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives. While writing the initial column previewing the legislative session is always a daunting task, it…

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SUSAN WILLIAMS Commentary: Simon redesign is something to celebrate

SUSAN WILLIAMS Commentary Simon redesign is something to celebrate What a nice way to start 2005, with a new, improved design of the Simon headquarters. At the start of a new year, it seems appropriate to reflect. The chain of events that led to the redesign of this important building marks a turning point in the “coming of age” of our city and its approach to the built environment. Urban design and design criteria for our downtown have been topics…

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