
Relax, rejoice: Obamacare will revive health care

This is the first of three blog posts, each of which will make a compelling case for one of three distinct positions on Obamacare in Indiana: why it will succeed, why it will fail and why it will be a “non-event.”

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Physician pay: What goes up must come down

Compensation in the most common physician specialties has been growing much faster than inflation for the past five years. Now, financially squeezed hospitals are set to reverse that trend.

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Medicaid expansion in Pence’s hands after session

The question of whether Indiana will expand Medicaid is now back in Gov. Mike Pence's hands, after lawmakers wrapped up their session without mandating he expand coverage under the federal health care law or suggesting the route he should take.

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Lawmakers pass Medicaid ball back to Pence

After a four-month debate, the Legislature ended pretty much where it started on a potential expansion of Medicaid: Lawmakers are letting Gov. Mike Pence go one-on-one with President Obama to see what kind of deal he can strike.

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Feds scrutinize nursing home buying spree

Indiana’s county-owned hospitals have rushed to acquire nursing homes in the past two years, opening a revenue stream for both the hospitals and the long-term-care facilities. But the additional federal revenue that has driven these purchases could come under threat.

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Report: Medicaid expansion could juice economy

Proponents of a Medicaid expansion in Indiana are playing up the economic boost the state and its businesses could see from the expansion of health insurance coverage called for by President Obama’s health reform law.

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House pursues ‘Arkansas model’ on health coverage

Indiana could expand health insurance coverage for low-income Hoosiers entirely through private health insurance plans under an amendment adopted by a House committee on Monday. The change was immediately criticized by the Pence administration.

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Deal raises hopes for Healthy Indiana Plan expansion

Gov. Mike Pence’s strategy for expanding Medicaid in Indiana is to convince or cajole the Obama administration to let him use the Healthy Indiana Plan to do it. A recent deal in Arkansas seems to make it more likely that the Obama team will give Pence what he wants.

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Healthy Indiana Plan gets mixed reviews at hearing

Hospital officials praised Indiana's medical savings accounts but some consumer advocates panned them Wednesday during a public hearing as Gov. Mike Pence seeks federal approval to use the Healthy Indiana Plan to expand Medicaid in this state.

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