
Cancer tools help Roche with Alzheimer’s drug

Treatments for central nervous system diseases have a huge potential payoff, analysts say. A hint of whether the gamble may pay off is due in the second half of this year, as Eli Lilly and Co. and Pfizer Inc. announce results for Alzheimer’s drugs that attack the same protein as Roche’s experimental drug.

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Wishard to use $8.3M grant to stem substance abuse

At three community health centers, all patients will be asked about their alcohol and drug usage confidentially, as part of an early-intervention approach designed to cut down addictions and reduce hospitalization.

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IU shrink explores mental health blood tests

Dr. Alexander B. Niculescu, a psychiatrist at the IU School of Medicine, has won a five-year, $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to hunt for the presence of certain proteins in the blood that would indicate that a patient suffers from a mood disorder, which afflicts one in five Americans.

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Neurosis and dying: Now you know

Believe it or not, until Purdue University psychologist Daniel Mroczek tackled the question, no had delved into why people who freak out easily die earlier than mellow folks.

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