
Memory Bank: Ice skating on Monument Circle

The pools of water around the Soldiers and Sailors Monument used to be frozen each winter for ice skating. The practice was halted in the mid-1980s when it was discovered that the weight of the ice was causing damage to the fountain basins.

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City to close Monument Circle to homeless camps

Mark Bode, deputy communications director for Mayor Joe Hogsett, said the impetus behind the notice is that “encampments and storage of personal property in the Circle are blocking pedestrian traffic and causing disruption to nearby businesses.”

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Memory Bank: A Hoosier runs for president in 1940

Native Hoosier Wendell Willkie lost a fight against FDR’s Tennessee Valley Authority, which he called a monopoly, but gained the attention of Republicans, who nominated him to run for president against FDR in 1940, despite never having held public office.

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