Looking back at the best films of 2018
This year, a wide range of movies rose above the average fare.
This year, a wide range of movies rose above the average fare.
Select the right films, and attending a film festival is a terrific opportunity to explore worlds of excellence and interest beyond the standard multiplex offerings.
The Battista family’s plan to redevelop a Prohibition-era church building on the east side into an independent cinema and eatery has changed dramatically. And so has the project’s price tag.
The e-commerce giant hopes to make another incursion into the physical world of the consumer experience by acquiring Landmark Theaters.
The Heartland Film Festival launches the first Indy Shorts International Film Festival July 26-29 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields.
Drive-in movies might sound like relics from a bygone age, but you wouldn’t know it from the Saturday crowds at the Tibbs Drive-In Theatre.
The Indy Shorts International Film Fest is scheduled for late July at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields. It will exclusively feature films shorter than 40 minutes, including films that will be eligible for Academy Awards.
There’s no denying the cinematic Western has helped define America—for good or ill.
An animated masterwork tops the list. And, yes, the latest “Star Wars” film made the cut.
Regal Entertainment Group, based in Knoxville, Tennessee, is the second-largest U.S. cinema chain. It operates 11 theaters in Indiana, including six in the Indianapolis area.
Three-year-old Pigasus Pictures is making its mark, with one award-winning feature film to its credit and another with growing expectations set to wrap up production within a month.
Regal Entertainment Group is testing demand-based pricing for movies, a big change for an industry that typically uses a one-size-fits-all approach.
Prominent tech investor Bob Compton is one of the movie's six executive producers. He helped fund "Columbus" and recruited tech notables Don Brown and Scott Dorsey to invest in the project as well.
While critics and audiences have praised the world-saving superfolk, I opted instead for these flicks.
Past attempts to salvage the State Theatre focused on restoring it as a historical venue, but the new operators say the site needs to offer something different. One of their inspirations is The Vogue in Indianapolis.
Tom and Ed Battista of Bluebeard fame have purchased the Christian Unity Missionary Baptist Church near Spades Park with hopes of opening a three-screen independent cinema and restaurant.
The 10,000-square-foot space on North Meridian will feature a multimedia television and radio studio, basketball court, golf simulator, entertainment area and private editing rooms.
A batch of interesting fantasy films have crept into the cineplexes in the often-shallow, post-Oscar/pre-Memorial Day period.
The accounting firm’s colossal mistake at the end of Sunday night’s Academy Awards threatens to undo decades of goodwill.