
Growing central Indiana suburbs mull class status

When Fishers becomes Hamilton County’s newest city in 2015, it also will be the first of Indianapolis’ northern suburbs to achieve “second-class” status. Others—including suburban standouts Carmel and Noblesville—qualify for an upgrade because of their growth but have not made the leap. Yet.

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County OKs long-term land lease for violence shelter

Hamilton County Commissioners have cleared the way for an Anderson-based domestic violence shelter to build a satellite facility on county-owned land in Noblesville, assuming it can raise enough money to support the program.

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Noblesville company taking on industry giants with healthier snacks

The Darlington snack company for 30 years peddled sweet treats to large institutional users—think schools, hospitals and nursing homes. But growing concerns over America’s obesity epidemic have the small Noblesville company hanging its hopes on healthier fare: all-natural, whole-grain-rich snacks.

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