
Letter: Nickel Plate solution is simple

As a central Indiana resident and chairman of the board of Indiana Trails, I am appalled to learn there were no satisfactory bids to do a complete job of removing the Nickel Plate Railroad tracks, ties and rail spikes, and then rebuild the railroad crossings impacted. Yet, the Hoosier Heritage Port Authority still voted to move forward.

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Greg Ballard: Hoosier conservatives ready for renewable energy

A recent poll of Republican primary voters in Indiana confirms that Hoosier Republicans are mirroring the national trend of conservatives supporting renewable energy. This is good news for the renewable-energy industry, which employs 50% more people in Indiana than does the fossil-fuel sector.

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Sylvia Wulf: An Alaska senator puts Indiana jobs at risk

Using innovative land-based farming techniques, AquaBounty has developed safe, healthy and fast-growing salmon that require less feed and allow for more efficient shipping than do salmon grown through traditional farming, thus minimizing impacts on the environment and enabling us to offer fresher fish to American consumers.

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Mandy Haskett: Maximize talent by making it a budget priority

When we collect data to predict fit and pull that data through the lifecycle of the employee, we can better develop leaders and design teams, drive intentional culture, and produce high-engagement workplaces. This will increase your profitability. And ensuring your teams are ready, willing and able requires an investment.

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Jim Cotterill: Business leaders must help heal city’s ugly underbelly

We cannot substantially grow our economy without the critical involvement of our business community in some of the greatest challenges this city has ever faced. Three of the biggest are: the escalation of criminal homicides, the dearth of employment opportunities for those returning from prison, and the payday loan scandal—which expands the bounds of poverty in our city.

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Letter: Children’s Museum responds to critics

By demolishing the Drake, the museum’s goal is not to create more parking; it is to reallocate money being spent on a building that no one has found a way to save so that the museum can offer programs that benefit children and families in our community. But we have heard the city’s concerns, understand the position of the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission, and look forward to working with the city to find a solution.

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Letter: Local union is radicalized

My main reason for joining is that I did not want to be a freeloader: getting union benefits without paying my fair share. But I hate the cult-like aspects—and the radicalization.

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Letter: Greenhouse gas bill deserves our support

H.R. 763—The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act—is currently before Congress and puts American greenhouse gas emissions on pace to stay below a 2 degree rise and does it affordably without additional regulation.

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Bob Coy: The grand vision behind the 16 Tech innovation district

16 Tech is one of about 100 innovation districts established or emerging across the world. It recently was recognized as an up-and-coming district in “The Evolution of Innovation Districts: The New Geography of Global Innovation,” the first significant research released by the newly launched Global Institute on Innovation Districts.

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