
DAVIS: Rail, trail allies find commonality that eludes officials

Recently, 12,000 people signed a petition requesting that the Nickel Plate Railroad in Hamilton County and Indianapolis be kept intact for future transit use. Many are also fans of bike/hike trails. Until now, their signatures have been ignored by some local political leaders.

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Editorial: Fiasco over virtual charter schools raises big oversight questions

With freedom and choice comes responsibility. And so as Indiana has expanded the types of schools that students and their families can attend on the state’s dime—from traditional public schools to specialty schools called charters to even private and religious schools—so too has it created new obligations for those involved in the system.

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Letter: Quality education isn’t about politics

Washington’s partisan posturing and reluctance to collaborate and cooperate, exhausts many Hoosiers. I, too, have become disenchanted and find this type of representation less than desirable. However, I am newly optimistic and encouraged.

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Mark Maddox: State must begin to combat financial illiteracy

Thanks to a timely study conducted by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation titled “The State of U.S Financial Capability,” we are reminded that about half of our citizens are benefiting greatly from this robust economy, while the other half are still struggling.

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