
KIM: Kraft Heinz debacle proves not even Buffett immune to mistakes

While Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett has achieved well-deserved mythical stature among investors, even the “Oracle of Omaha” makes huge mistakes. Exhibit A is the recent debacle involving his investment in Kraft Heinz. I recently highlighted Buffett’s call in his 2018 annual letter to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway for investors to focus on Berkshire’s “forest,” […]

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City should have one school system

Regarding numerous recent Forefront columns about school funding and teacher pay, there’s so much talk. Where does it end? I want to suggest that it is time for Indianapolis to grow up. Many expenses are duplicated in nine township school systems. Is there “top heavy” administration? Are there schools being built when there is an […]

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Federal child care support is good for business

In my career, from telecommunications to publishing to baseball, any success I’ve had has been due in large measure to having a great, focused team that works together on shared goals. Unfortunately, that kind of focus doesn’t come easily when employees are parents whose attention is divided between their careers and concerns over child care. […]

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Brian Schutt: Next Level Jobs is critical to state economy

Through a Next Level Jobs grant, Homesense recently facilitated testing and training on the popular assessment tool Gallup StrengthsFinder, which provided a unique lens for our team to see themselves and others and has deepened our internal relationships and teamwork. This investment wouldn’t have taken place without Next Level Jobs.

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Mike Wells: Orcutt’s vision led to airport we enjoy today

As the Indianapolis International Airport continues to receive accolades as one of the best airports in North America, it is important to remember the person who was the visionary force behind the planning of our airport. Dan Orcutt, executive director of the airport for 25 years, passed away in January.

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