
Gay rights have come a long way—but have far to go

June is Gay Pride Month. If the number of people who attended and participated in the celebration is any indication, the size of the community and its supporters is impressive. As the month comes to an end, and the fight for equal treatment continues, I think it is appropriate to reflect upon how far we, […]

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American dream shouldn’t be only for the upper 20%

On June 17, Time magazine released a report that reveals life expectancy based on ZIP code. To no surprise, yet nonetheless unsettling, data showed those living in poorer ZIP codes have a shorter life expectancy, and not by just a few years. In some places, the disparity in life expectancy is 20-plus years. This study resonated […]

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Time for a divorce: Business should give up on the GOP

Is the GOP the party for business interests? Indiana businesses are facing new problems. First and foremost, they simply lack adequate numbers of well-prepared employees. Our business leaders have reflexively turned to the Republican Party for help. In response, they have been given lots of “workforce” programs but no real assistance. Real help would mean effective […]

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GOP fosters the growth of businesses—and people

Is the GOP the party for business interests? Low taxes. Balanced budgeting. Responsible reserves. Great government service. These common-sense Republican policy solutions—and more—have created an attractive environment for business growth in Indiana that benefits not only our state’s economy, but most important, the people who live within our state. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look […]

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Trust calls for competence and connection

Less is more. We hear this phrase a lot—when writing emails, disciplining our kids, or preparing a presentation. When it comes to leadership, these same three words ring true. But two truisms intersect to make “less is more” difficult in practice: The first is, we have access to more information than ever before; the second […]

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Letter: Science not settled by consensus

Among the many things that have kept our climate changing for 4.5 billion years is an 11-year solar cycle, volcanoes and the “North Atlantic Oscillation”—a cold phase that occurs every 20 to 30 years. It began about three years ago and has cooled the Atlantic Ocean to the coolest it’s been since the 1980s.

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Mickey Maurer: Mayor Pete shines as Trump alternative

According to polling by Business Insider, 34% of registered Democrats who said they would vote in the 2020 primary believe that Buttigieg would beat President Donald Trump, a number greater than most of the established politicians jockeying for position in this race.

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Samantha Julka: In workplace design, we say ‘generation shmeneration’

We summed up the generational differences for a client when we stated: It’s not about the generation; it’s about the individual. When designing future offices spaces, our research team at DORIS would say the smart money is on understanding your unique workforce and providing opportunities for choice and variation in your office.

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