
Letter: Ferebee will be missed

Superintendent Lewis Ferebee will be remembered for his commitment to innovation, improvement, and taking the necessary steps to ensure IPS is viable and effective for all young people.

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Nate Feltman: Rudderless Congress is failing America

As a business owner, you have many responsibilities to meet to ensure your business continues to operate. Among the most basic is paying your employees on a timely basis. Fail to meet the basics and you will be out of business. Seems like common sense, right? Well, common sense goes out the window when it […]

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Editorial: Support for cigarette-tax hike should be too strong to ignore

Too many legislators are afraid of being attacked in the next election for raising taxes. Fear of being “primaried” over a tax hike—even one most people support—is one of the sad byproducts of a system where gerrymandered “safe” districts in too many instances make general-election results a foregone conclusion.

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