
Letter: A societal oddity

Isn’t it ironic that South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg qualifies to be president of the United States but couldn’t be employed as a counselor at Roncalli High School?

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Letter: Writer misunderstood Indiana Forest Alliance

Mr. Moistner calls the Indiana Forest Alliance a “conflict industry” that only exists to fight. Actually, the IFA and the Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association began a dialogue in good faith; while we still disagree on some matters, we agree on others.

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Sheila Suess Kennedy: Connecting the dots between gerrymandering, potholes

Few of us who live in Indianapolis recognize the connection between Indiana’s gerrymandered legislative districts and the thousands of potholes we dodge every spring, or the fiscal shortchanging of urban schools, or the Legislature’s refusal to pass comprehensive bias crimes legislation, or our lawmakers’ seeming fixation on women’s reproductive decisions.

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Letter: IBJ should use more diverse sources

The lack of an accurate representation of the black community in a recent story could project a false sense of unanimity on our concerns about IPS. But more significantly, it conceals the diversity of perspectives within the black community on the future of IPS.

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Letter: Time to move away from high-stakes tests

Currently, school success is tied to student performance on high-stakes tests, like ISTEP 10. Our outdated, one-size-fits-all graduation and diploma system limits student potential and does not fully prepare every kid for life after high school.

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Trying kids as adults is wrong approach

Greg Morris’s recent column [12- and 13-year-olds can belong in adult court, March 15], references Indiana Senate Bill 279, which, if passed into law, would expand Indiana’s waiver/transfer law to 12- and 13-year-olds for attempted murder. Trying and sentencing young children in the adult system is not an age- or developmentally-appropriate, or just response to […]

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