MIKE LOPRESTI: A strange tale of Pacers and pro hockey
At least one basketball lifer employed by the Blue and Gold has been caught up in this year’s dramatic Stanley Cup playoffs.
At least one basketball lifer employed by the Blue and Gold has been caught up in this year’s dramatic Stanley Cup playoffs.
Even if the companies are found to be the proximate cause of the harm, they will argue that the damage was not “reasonably foreseeable.”
“The best tribute we can offer is to try to demonstrate the principles by which he lived his own life, every day.”
I could never bring myself to call him by his first name. To me, he will always be “Sen. Lugar.”
Our connections to the world are more important than ever, and many Hoosiers have put their shoulder to the wheel.
I wish he would’ve fought for more extensive changes—for a more equitable Unigov.
The senator’s greatest quality was his thoughtfulness and sense of bipartisanship when it came to problem-solving.
There’s plenty of room for talking and listening, developing relationships that aren’t based on immediate wants but on the underlying human desire to learn more.
Have a great party in your cap and gown this weekend, and when the hangover ends, buckle up for the rest of your life.
It will take time for us to demonstrate this initiative is not about politics but rather about relationships.
We should find a mechanism to make charitable deductions available to all Americans.
The public deserves to know what goes on in our courtrooms just as much as it deserves to know what goes on in the legislative branches of government.
The evidence is clear that communities need entrepreneurs to step up when times get bad.
The judge overstepped in ruling the entire ACA invalid.
Building a space elevator is an enormous project, and Purdue is the place do it.
Despite the lack of language to address the real issues of teacher pay, the Legislature expects the local districts to pay teachers more.
While the state is a partner in the funding of schools, decisions on teacher pay are made based upon communities’ needs.
A consortium of more than two dozen scientists and engineers proposes an “energy-water corridor” along the nearly 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It is that rarest of modern phenomena: an ecumenical concept with unifying potential, an idea that even sworn enemies can love.
The measure is especially important after the Indiana General Assembly’s failed to act on a similar proposal as well as a bill that would have significantly increased the cigarette tax. That’s despite strong support for both bills from a broad spectrum of business, religious, health and not-for-profit organizations.
Your help is needed in the battle against hunger, a problem that observes no boundaries.