GREG MORRIS: Leon Mordoh lived an inspiring life
He was successful in business but truly excelled in building uplifting relationships.
He was successful in business but truly excelled in building uplifting relationships.
Republican Jim Merritt—who has represented an Indianapolis district in the state Senate for nearly two decades—will take on Mayor Joe Hogsett in what is already proving to be a more spirited contest than the race four years ago.
Increasing mentoring relationships between women and men is an important component to creating more equitable and mentally healthy work environments as well as ending gender disparity in C-suites, boards and investment deals.
Superintendent Lewis Ferebee will be remembered for his commitment to innovation, improvement, and taking the necessary steps to ensure IPS is viable and effective for all young people.
There are huge other benefits that come with the cleaner air and reduced greenhouse gas emissions from renewable energy.
Woodlands still account for 22 percent of Indiana’s land area, an asset of unmeasured value.
The big issues will be worked out in conference committees without the help of less experienced lawmakers, and their input won’t be critical in caucus.
The best solutions will come from collaborations between health care providers and payers. With the technology at their disposal, they could create systems that allow consumers to check prices based on a wide range of factors and variables.
As a business owner, you have many responsibilities to meet to ensure your business continues to operate. Among the most basic is paying your employees on a timely basis. Fail to meet the basics and you will be out of business. Seems like common sense, right? Well, common sense goes out the window when it […]
Too many legislators are afraid of being attacked in the next election for raising taxes. Fear of being “primaried” over a tax hike—even one most people support—is one of the sad byproducts of a system where gerrymandered “safe” districts in too many instances make general-election results a foregone conclusion.
Four teams. One loss among them. One. A combined record of 110-1. They came together on March 22, 1969, in a glorious intersection of basketball might.
For people to innovate, they have to first be comfortable believing they can be and are creative. It’s a frame of mind.
The country has melted down because of a price system made dysfunctional by policies socialist regimes are prone to adopt, but also detrimental if adopted by non-socialist governments.
We all need to realize nobody is immune to a sudden job loss or other income interruption.
Most studies suggest that increased legal immigration will result in a positive impact on our economy.
Our most promising institutions are locally based entities that are print-and-digital or broadcast-and-digital operations.
To save these companies from themselves and earn back consumers’ trust, executives must look outside of Silicon Valley.
Before we have any discussion about more state funding for teacher pay, we should discuss what schools are doing with the cash they’re currently getting.
The small-schools grant should be reinstated in the budget to provide student equity in programming for our children who live in rural communities.
Improving township districts doesn’t mean importing IPS solutions, but lessons can be learned from the reform work that has happened in that district.