Kevin Brinegar: Another time debate is not time well spent
For Indiana, a switch from the Eastern time zone would turn our daylight saving time choice to daylight losing time.
For Indiana, a switch from the Eastern time zone would turn our daylight saving time choice to daylight losing time.
Hoosiers should live in a state that values health and well-being, promotes strong commerce and protects our youngest citizens.
The proliferation of post-season college football contests crowns a champ: consumerism.
But opposition to that particular provision should not derail passage of the legislation.
New digital offerings and expanded coverage are in the works as we wrap up the year.
The defeat of Republican State Sen. Mike Delph was not only about the demographics in his district. The vote was also about his RFRA stand and the voters’ opposition to his anti-equality platform.
I have been asked whether I will participate this year. While I pledge to continue to help enhance women’s power, I regret that I cannot attend this year’s Women’s March without abdicating my self-respect as a Jewish woman.
After yet another season of historically intense hurricanes and wildfires invading our shores, we’re reminded once again of the ever-growing destruction from climate change. Nationally, the federal government just released its National Climate Assessment, reiterating many of the dangers already upon us and warning of the many more in store. Locally, Purdue’s Climate Change Research […]
When you take the time to understand how other people perceive a problem, you will validate some of your own assumptions and disprove others.
If 60 is a venerable old age—then one had better get going early on. However, when 60 is more like midlife, it makes sense to waste around until age 30.
Sort through and prioritize multiple requests you might receive to make sure your money is going where it will make the most impact.
Indianapolis needs to attract out-of-state millennials. And this needs to happen quickly. Perhaps the best starting point for shifting workforce demographics is to look around and see which states are successfully attracting millennials.
Two buddies from a small town in Kentucky are determined to put the Jaguars on a winning course.
It’s preposterous that Republicans find themselves in this predicament. There are plenty of issues on which Hogsett should be vulnerable, from last spring’s pothole catastrophe to his continued struggles to combat violent crime.
Legislature should view all matters that come before it in 2019 through a human-capital lens.
Civility is seen as a vice instead of a virtue and creating an environment of xenophobia and nationalism to gain short term policy wins is unwisely lauded.
True equality will never occur until we concentrate on electing the most qualified person regardless of sex, race or sexual preference.
Many politicians and economic development officials see the ruse for what it is, but they feel trapped because every other city and state is doing it. Politically, they can’t risk letting their neighbors outcompete them.
Gerrymandering is a frontal assault on democracy. A pre-midterm electoral analysis from the Cook Report really brought home the extent of that assault: Just one out of 20 Americans lives in a competitive Congressional District.
The problem with anchoring is, it fails to recognize the extreme volatility inherent in stocks.