HAHN: A dose of gratitude can be good for your finances
We so often look at the world and our personal situation and see what’s wrong or what’s missing. Gratitude is an ongoing action, a state of being or a way of life.
We so often look at the world and our personal situation and see what’s wrong or what’s missing. Gratitude is an ongoing action, a state of being or a way of life.
Making pedestrians, cyclists a priority has driven economic development in cities around the world.
Officials say the region is a winner for becoming a finalist, but the proof is in what we do better next time.
This year’s Charles L. Whistler Award winner joins a long list of those who’ve put community service first.
The constant debate over pre-existing conditions, jobs and immigration mattered.
Political campaigns shouldn’t get a free pass on their tactics, nor should they automatically be condemned because they can be controversial.
There are perhaps 70,000 or 80,000 licensed lawyers of Asian or Pacific heritage, and more than half work in law firms or corporations advising individual clients, governments and businesses.
Matt never hesitated to get out of the office and go interact with people to bring his readers a complete picture of what was going on.
Matt did what great journalists do; he got the truth out.
The failures on election night are the result of a lack of coverage in the weeks and months leading up to it because of a fear that viewers will change the channel.
While we all need to do our part, one person in the country has considerably more influence than the rest of us through his words and example.
He took care of every Hoosier whether they voted for him or not.
Instead of going down in history for impressive legislative accomplishments, his legacy is likely to be defined by a failure to deliver.
Energizing the ideological wings of each party worked wonders for Democrats and Trump on election night—count on more of the same in the future.
The American people were disgusted with what happened before the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by California Democrat Diane Feinstein.
Particularly for those right of center, successfully convincing the electorate of the benefits of conservative policies often depends on how an issue is presented.
Ignoring portions of one’s own base shouldn’t work.
The way the Republican Party treats my community is shocking and offensive.
We need to take an important lesson from Donald Trump: People appreciate politicians who consistently, authentically and unapologetically behave and vote as the person they say they are.
It is rather surprising that the FDA has moved so soon to regulate the nicotine content of cigarettes. It’s a bold and radical move that I thought would not take place for years.