Letter: Success requires setting race aside
My experience has taught me to value everyone, and truthfully, there is only one race, and it’s the human race.
My experience has taught me to value everyone, and truthfully, there is only one race, and it’s the human race.
When you show how you’ll make money, your gender doesn’t matter. Demonstrate that your business is scaleable and will provide a healthy return, and venture capitalists will be interested.
Evidence-based programming in schools is one critical aspect of a comprehensive response by our city and state.
You can bet if there are narcissistic tendencies locked inside a lucky founder/CEO, fortune, fame and power will set them free.
Self-proclaimed democratic socialists call for an expanded and more extensive system of government entitlements.
The sports world is full of hall-of-famers whose careers ended abruptly.
I made sure that if there was going to be a problem, I was not going to be the catalyst.
It is critical that a person in his role continue to identify threats against our country for both the president and the public.
The issue is not the historic electoral margin. It is that he stands as a separately elected constitutional officeholder.
Statewide, the evidence is all too clear: Our population and talent pool continue to decrease over time.
It is up to all of us to work together to build a culture of respect.
Why black legislators were rebuffed for so long is a question that needs answering.
Really good article on the interventionist cycle by Bohanon & Curott on Aug. 3.
For his first 18 months, he was seemingly more comfortable trying to build accord behind the scenes.
The president keeps tweeting, and people keep getting more pissed off.
Support for an ideology with such an abysmal track record to date is astounding.
The Ball State trustees’ decision keep John Schnatter’s name on the Center for Entrepreneurship
is counter to the basic, Hoosier values of the university and state that we love.
It was a Jim Acosta moment, but I didn’t feel threatened. Times are different now.
It is all but certain that Mueller’s team has information that the public does not, whether complicating or mitigating for the president.
Raising taxes on credit unions would effectively be increasing taxes on the more than 2 million consumers in Indiana who belong to them.