
Don’t ignore hateful rhetoric

I am writing to thank Bill Oesterle and IBJ for calling out the thinly-veiled slurs in the Mike Delph direct-mail campaign communication [Senate campaign piece was anti-Semitic, gay-baiting, May 25]. It is discouraging the extent to which our discourse has been debased over the past two years. Sadly, had such an ignorant message emanated from […]

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Trust police to enforce laws

Regarding Marshawn Wolley’s recent column [We’re facing a crisis in our criminal justice system, Forefront, June 8], any loss of life regardless of color is tragic. However, there is no such thing to police officers as “to get tough on crime.” Their job on a daily basis is to enforce the law and protect and […]

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A less-cruel way to curb illegal immigration

Let’s start with the easy part. The policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border, delivering them into a bureaucratic labyrinth while their fathers and mothers await trial or petition for asylum, is the wickedest thing the Trump administration has done so far—and you can tell exactly how wicked by observing how […]

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How to lose the midterms and re-elect Trump

Dear Robert De Niro, Samantha Bee and other Trump haters: I get that you’re angry. I’m angry, too. But anger isn’t a strategy. Sometimes it’s a trap. When you find yourself spewing four-letter words, you’ve fallen into it. You’ve chosen cheap theatrics over the long game, catharsis over cunning. You think you’re raising your fist […]

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Will more blacks vote Republican?

As we lay the framework for November’s elections, we’re seeing the emergence of a new face of the Democratic Party—more progressive, more left wing. The Democratic Party is delivering more candidates around the nation like Stacey Abrams, recently nominated for governor in Georgia. She’s unabashedly boilerplate, in-your-face, hard left. Pro-big government, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT rights. Recent […]

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