Una Osili: Lessons for Indiana from the World Cup
The World Cup’s rosters reinforce the benefits of diverse teams in the workplace and society.
The World Cup’s rosters reinforce the benefits of diverse teams in the workplace and society.
Daily commuters, weekend and event visitors, and businesses large and small count on the roads moving more than 160,000 vehicles daily as safely and smoothly as possible.
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past.
For businesses to succeed and trust their employees to make sound decisions in the best interest of the company, leaders must take the time to create—and most importantly, visibly lead—a work culture where diverse points of views are welcomed and valued.
Brian Esposito gets the most out of players, most of whom would rather be playing in Pittsburgh.
As a member of the administration, National Intelligence Director Dan Coats took the most personal risk by standing up to Donald Trump, when he appeared to side with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the U.S. intelligence community.
Republicans have gone mysteriously silent on the dangers of deficit spending.
Over-regulation is a threat to the complexity—and beauty—of urban living.
No one knows, save Mr. Hill and his accusers, whether he is guilty or innocent, but the protesters, the governor, and four key lawmakers have already implicated his guilt based solely on the accusations.
What kind of society are you fostering by allowing accusers to be prosecutors, judges and juries, without commentary?
Repurposing items just makes good financial sense. It saves the recipient organization money and helps save the environment.
Despite the concerns many have that these new technologies will cost us jobs, Indiana companies are becoming more competitive with these technologies and need hard-working Hoosiers to succeed.
Gas prices are rising primarily due to the strengthening global economy. The United States is in the midst of a 10-year economic expansion, and the unemployment rate is the lowest since 1970.
Not only are humans highly emotional and lacking in self-control, they are influenced by all sorts of biases and supposedly irrelevant factors.
A good board serves multiple valuable functions. If nothing else, regular meetings require company management to articulate where the company is (performance) and where it is going (strategy).
Consent should never be assumed or taken for granted.
Making incremental changes based on data-sourced, strategic problem areas and measuring them over time is the most effective way to improve employee engagement.
It’s all hands on deck as the massive Hamilton County complex prepares for its big moment.
If President Trump’s import tariffs are as bad as economists say, why is the Trump economy so strong?
As INDOT considers its options to repair and modify downtown interstate infrastructure and traffic patterns, we hope that INDOT sincerely considers the input of the neighbors who will be most impacted.