BOHANON & CUROTT: Debt is bigger U.S. threat than nation’s trade deficits
Many think that, if our debt even approaches 200 percent of GDP, our currency will lose its reserve status or our super-low interest rate will rise.
Many think that, if our debt even approaches 200 percent of GDP, our currency will lose its reserve status or our super-low interest rate will rise.
Perhaps you’ve heard these warnings from your HR department and didn’t take them seriously, but there is solid reasoning behind their directives.
Support a worthy cause while learning new skills and hearing from a line-up of speakers that includes IU basketball coach Archie Miller.
These new transportation options need regulation, but city officials should resist overreaching.
Those who govern college and pro hoops could learn a thing or two from the boys of summer.
We should be inspired by Downtown Indy to pursue similarly inspiring plans. Let’s hope the EID’s temporary fate doesn’t deter others from advocating for potentially game-changing ideas.
In the Indianapolis metropolitan area, a significant amount of planning and dollars have been invested into the development of quality-of-place assets.
What isn’t reasonable—or honest—is the use of unsubstantiated and clearly untrue accusations to attack an organization that provides essential medical services to women who could not otherwise access them.
A shrinking-but-still-significant population of public companies provides quarterly “guidance” to analysts, which is essentially management’s own estimate of future earnings.
A broad definition of diversity is most valuable when it includes inherent diversity, such as gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation; and acquired diversity, which are traits gained from experiences, such as living and working internationally or interacting with a marginalized group.
We are in the midst of a culture shift with marijuana. The majority of the next generation of workers might be of a mind that marijuana use is of no consequence.
Did you ever see a general manager sit before a microphone and say, “This really isn’t the guy we wanted?” That’s what makes draft coverage so amusing.
I understand IBJ’s owner is an ardent IU fan, but this “cartoon” is a disappointment to a fair number of his subscribers.
The decision of the BSA leadership to add girls was a poor decision and, as a past board member, I am embarrassed for them.
The House farm bill that failed to pass was riddled with reckless environmental rollbacks intended to promote logging on our national forests.
When Congress passed the Federal Credit Union Act of 1934, it mandated that credit unions serve “persons of small means,” defined by common bonds, such as working for the same employer or living within specific geographic boundaries. Because of this mission, credit unions were granted federal tax exemption.
Paired with new STEM requirements in our schools and resources for employers who train new employees for higher-wage jobs, tools like the Workforce Ready Grant can be cycle-breakers for entire families and can unleash the potential of Indiana businesses.
Medical marijuana is legal today in 29 states and Washington, D.C. We don’t have to be a pioneer on this front. Plenty of existing legal structures are in place to provide sound counsel and guidance.
We applaud the leadership of both for thinking broadly about their needs and what’s best for their neighbors.
Part of economists’ useful function is to offer alternative ways of structuring incentives to attain socially desired ends.