MICHAEL LEPPERT: School shootings and a slow fall down the stairs
In Noblesville, it was finally our turn. A student, for whatever reason, took a gun into a classroom and started firing.
In Noblesville, it was finally our turn. A student, for whatever reason, took a gun into a classroom and started firing.
Gambling is nothing more than a tax on people who don’t know math.
There are plenty of reasons it makes sense for Indiana to lead the first wave of states legalizing sports betting. Chief among them is our reputation as a sports mecca.
Hong Wan, director of the Purdue Blockchain Lab, is researching the ways the distributed-ledger technology can help industry become more secure and transparent.
Our state’s key industries—manufacturing, agriculture and logistics—face imminent disruption from internet-connected devices, referred to collectively as the internet of things.
Many successful entrepreneurs provided good advice early in my career, but I found a surprising number provided absolutely poor advice.
Blockchain might fundamentally change the way documents are verified and the way contracts are negotiated, executed and enforced.
Employees have to be comfortable believing they can be and are creative.
As a company that leverages the cloud to create better worker and customer experiences, Appirio offers a unique opportunity to elevate the way technology is used to mitigate diversity and inclusion challenges.
Indy Achieves seeks to increase the portion of central Indiana adults with a post-secondary credential to 65 percent and eliminate pervasive attainment gaps by 2027.
A growing number of industry leaders agree that simply an understanding, not a mastery, of technical skills will be necessary to compete in the future.
Celtics coach poised to put his name next to others from Indiana who’ve reached NBA Finals.
I feel strongly that the present minimum wage needs to be increased incrementally until it can provide a sustainable income to lift wage earners out of poverty.
Concentrated poverty in Indianapolis is holding back hundreds of thousands of families from accessing opportunities for upward mobility and will hold us back from continued growth for all.
We need a thorough, independent study of how to transform this crumbling, 50-year-old urban highway system into an economic driver for the entire region.
One in four job applicants are failing drug tests, which means a large population of people are unable to work.
With 5,000 records breached per minute and malware attacks happening all the time, figuring out how to be GDPR-compliant is just common sense.
Surely, doing it right—learning from mistakes, from the available research and from the experience of cities that have creatively addressed these issues—is worth moving a few stubborn bureaucrats out of their comfort zones.
For a guy who spent much of the 1990s in Moscow, the collusion investigation brings back memories.
We commend programs aimed not at subsidizing businesses but helping to give them a small boost to get them going or keep them going.