KENNEDY: Feminist theater is here. Are we ready?
There is a new, distinctive addition to our local theater scene: Summit Performance aspires to produce “top quality theatre exploring the lives and experiences of women.”
There is a new, distinctive addition to our local theater scene: Summit Performance aspires to produce “top quality theatre exploring the lives and experiences of women.”
We’re still too reliant on federal food programs, which could see massive cuts.
Referring to picking stocks, Warren Buffett famously said, “Price is what you pay; value is what you get.” As it turns out, the same can be said for betting the Derby.
It’s that time of year when all good citizens are supposed to do their duty and go to the polls and vote. And duty it is because, on a strictly cost-benefit basis, it makes no sense to be an informed voter.
This is the universe where Bankers Life Fieldhouse is alive and on fire and Victor Oladipo jerseys are popping up in the stands like spring dandelions.
The city or current mall owners—a collection of 20 local companies—should seek proposals from developers nationwide seeking proposals for new ways to use the space.
Ambassadors, senators bring North Korea, Russia and other international challenges into focus.
Let’s stand together and draw a “red line” that adding more guns in schools and on school property is not in society’s best interest.
Fortunately, since most commuter benefits are offered in the form of pre-tax perks (not subsidies), and those pre-tax perks were not affected by the latest reform, most employees can continue to enjoy outcomes such as reduced payroll taxes and increased take-home pay.
Legislators and leaders in state government have even been saying (and mostly doing) all the right things to support our technology sector, but there’s a threat on the horizon.
The money we spend on our streets doesn’t unlock their potential value as civic spaces.
We are shocked—shocked!—that punitive politics might have played a role in the tax bill. Then again, not really.
A tip of the cap to the board and management of Evansville-based Vectren on the sale of the company to Houston-based CenterPoint Energy.
My biggest hurdle was my own assumption. I assumed I couldn’t do something I wanted to do simply because someone said I couldn’t.
It must be one that understands a child’s future is on the line—not just a school year.
Indiana has become the exporter of talent and not an importer of talent.
I think we lost something when we moved to tigers and wildcats and patriots.
Entrepreneurship is the wherewithal to see ideas to fruition.
Indiana is a manufacturing state, which contributes greatly to our robust economy, but manufacturing is associated with air pollution.
In many Indiana communities, the primary is where the real choices are made.