Teresa Meredith: Arm teachers with resources, not guns
Guns in classrooms and in the hands of teachers is antithetical to establishing a teacher-student relationship built on trust and support.
Guns in classrooms and in the hands of teachers is antithetical to establishing a teacher-student relationship built on trust and support.
What should managers do? Should they encourage employees to limit discussion to safe topics like movies, the weather and how much they hate potholes?
From exhiliration for Jackie Young and Tyra Buss to disappointment for Kyle Guy and Isaac Haas.
I can cite other examples during my 23 years as a principal when an unlicensed candidate was the best fit for our school and our needs.
A neutral internet is vital to our entrepreneurial marketplace.
Here in Indianapolis, we are seeing what happens when successive administrations—Republican and Democratic alike—substitute cosmetic approaches for substantive repairs.
One U.S. paper supplier’s complaint is already causing hardship for an entire industry.
Indianapolis must be a strong, stable city for the region to continue to thrive—and its suburbs must be vibrant as well. That won’t occur without in-depth regional conversations about taxation, transit, economic development and more.
The results under the current “do it yourself” retirement system with investment-based, worker-savings-funded accounts have been disastrous.
The capitalist economy is facilitating a sharing revolution in transportation that would make Karl Marx blush.
From the last unbeaten champs to most prolific shooter, Indiana teams and players fill record books.
Not only do employees have more options for employment than ever, they also have higher expectations of what they want in a job.
The banking system might finally get some relief from the burdensome overregulation that has hamstrung the economy for almost a decade.
It has become common practice for U.S companies to thumb their nose at accounting standards in their earnings reports.
It’s well documented that among developed countries there is a positive relationship between gun ownership and gun deaths.
A team’s agility will determine its level of preparedness for whatever challenge awaits. If adjustments can’t be made quickly, it’s only a matter of time until you’re on the outside looking in.
Recently, the Indianapolis Prize announced six finalists for 2018. They represent the conservation world’s elite, and the unique aspect of the prize is that it recognizes and rewards their success, rather than mere effort and good intentions.
Contrary to national perception, central Indiana has a history of risk-taking, innovation.
Taxpayers are willing to pay more for better schools, but they aren’t pushovers. IPS must make a compelling case for the money.
Seems the Bankers Life folks have turned in their notice at the fieldhouse. But naming stadiums can be tricky business.