MALATESTINIC: Open work spaces: Does your company fit?
Distractions abound, and the good ideas the employer had hoped to engender through collaboration might never appear.
Distractions abound, and the good ideas the employer had hoped to engender through collaboration might never appear.
Rep. Charlie Brown, D-Gary, first elected in 1982, is one of several lawmakers who will not run again. While he’s unfamiliar to most outside Lake County, he leaves a fascinating legacy and one of importance not just in Lake County and the Statehouse, but for people in Indianapolis.
Take the Indiana Economic Development Corp. out of the business of deciding who will get favorable financial treatment.
The cost of doing business is supremely important to economic development. But so is promoting a social culture that appeals to the talent required to make these businesses operate.
The New Urban Agenda outlines 17 key commitments, among them providing basic services to all citizens; fair and equal access to housing; support for cleaner cities; improved connectivity and support for innovative and green initiatives; and safe, accessible and green public spaces.
While it takes a village to make something great, I am impressed with Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness—his leadership and vision for the city and as an individual who’s concerned about the well-being of people.
Voters should be frustrated with GOP leadership—or lack thereof—at the Legislature. But at least they can now dull their distress with beer they buy on Sundays.
the district’s problems illustrate a larger issue: How should different levels of government work together to provide K-12 education?
Cyberattacks can take many forms, but whether malware is the main method or a hacker gains command and control by initiating a phishing campaign, the adversary is always the same: a human.
Never accept a wager offered by Warren Buffett and don’t sell when he’s buying (or vice versa).
We did little harm this year because we did so little.
Voters in statewide contests are not well-served by debates that are aired or covered only in limited corners of Indiana.
You will have to do your own research and verification.
The leaders of venture funds are almost exclusively older men, and they place their bets accordingly.
In 2017, Indiana exported more than $37.8 billion worth of products-ranking it 11th in the country for the value of goods we sold to other countries.
Let’s make sure we continue to nurture an environment for women to be successful in whatever profession they choose.
We need more women in leadership. We need more women running companies. We need more women elected to office.
Leaders don’t always make the correct decision, but they are willing to make a decision, especially in stressful situations.
Being curious may not be perfectly synonymous with being entrepreneurial, but I don’t know any entrepreneurs who aren’t insatiably curious.
This is crazy. It is also completely counter to the merit-based immigration policies the administration keeps pushing.