LANOSGA: Indiana Debate Commission’s role is nonpartisan
Voters in statewide contests are not well-served by debates that are aired or covered only in limited corners of Indiana.
Voters in statewide contests are not well-served by debates that are aired or covered only in limited corners of Indiana.
You will have to do your own research and verification.
The leaders of venture funds are almost exclusively older men, and they place their bets accordingly.
In 2017, Indiana exported more than $37.8 billion worth of products-ranking it 11th in the country for the value of goods we sold to other countries.
Let’s make sure we continue to nurture an environment for women to be successful in whatever profession they choose.
We need more women in leadership. We need more women running companies. We need more women elected to office.
Leaders don’t always make the correct decision, but they are willing to make a decision, especially in stressful situations.
Being curious may not be perfectly synonymous with being entrepreneurial, but I don’t know any entrepreneurs who aren’t insatiably curious.
This is crazy. It is also completely counter to the merit-based immigration policies the administration keeps pushing.
Government failed at every level and people are demanding even more layers of government.
I want to establish that not all of us who support gun control have negative views about all guns.
Most of us can’t even begin to understand the level of trauma our students face, yet we’re the ones making the decisions.
The goal is not how much a teacher knows, but how much a teacher can get his or her students to know.
Indiana has unlicensed, skilled individuals who can help meet our classroom needs.
I might see a nominal cut in my taxes this year, but it won’t be enough to hire an employee, give raises or grow my business.
Past administrations (both sides of the aisle) have put street “replacement” on a back burner allowing our important infrastructure to crumble.
Short-term rentals are opening up the state to a new slice of prospective tourists, catering to travelers who, for any number of reasons, might be less inclined or simply unwilling to stay in hotels.
Not providing seats denies jobs to how many thousands? What portion of those on disability payments are out of the workforce because employers fail to provide opportunities to sit on the job? We do not know.
With so many leading lawmakers with long years of experience in conference-committee deliberations leaving and being replaced by those who have played only supporting roles in recent sessions, we’re seeing a change in how conference committees operate.
State Senate District 29 needs a thoughtful representative who will work within the law.