FEIGENBAUM: Veteran lawmaker takes on fledging technology issue
Rep. Ed Soliday, R-Valparaiso, is leading the state’s effort to create rules for autonomous vehicle use in Indiana.
Rep. Ed Soliday, R-Valparaiso, is leading the state’s effort to create rules for autonomous vehicle use in Indiana.
Why are unpopular regulations passed in the first place? And why are they so persistent? Three words: special interest politics.
When leaders cannot see the problem and employees are not comfortable enough to say something, toxic workplace cultures develop.
If you’d read Indiana law, you’d know judges already have the power to increase sentences for any reason if they feel there are mitigating circumstances such as “hate.”
What is the value of an urban forest left standing? Besides absorbing flood runoff, and buffering noise and heat, a woods where people can walk their dogs and let the kids play is a precious asset on the north side of Indy. That’s why the Driftwood Hills Neighborhood is against Keystone Realty’s proposed Alexander at […]
Several key objectives are required to prepare the state’s talent pool for high-demand jobs being created in Indiana.
In a world full of discord, I find hope and reassurance with my students. They are hard-working, committed and—maybe most important—thoughtful.
Central Time advocates won’t give up, but Indiana should stay in its zone.
The project is too big and too important in its potential size, location and services for the public to be in the dark about exactly what will be located on the site—especially as local officials prepare to start debating zoning changes that could make it possible.
Indiana should join other states that have found alternatives to these concrete barriers.
No situation illustrates both the benefit of analytics and curse of conventional wisdom than whether to “go for it” on fourth down in football.
Community college can be the right place to learn a trade, take a business class or a computer science class, or get started on the path to a four-year degree.
If you’re dealing with a millennial, it’s likely you’re interacting with a person who feels they were lied to their entire educational journey.
The public meetings generated smaller attendance and fewer comments than anticipated.
We can stop the Russian influence on our elections and our society simply by not blindly accepting whatever pleases us on the internet.
The Trump administration has shown little but contempt for the public’s right to know.
We rarely look back and report on the consequences and costs of programs we au-thorize or administer.
The overriding goal is to create a vibrant ecosystem of venture capital and entrepreneurship here at home.
I choose to focus on the survivors and ensure they have a path to long-term safety, stability and self-sufficiency.
Let’s have the courage to ask: What about guns? What about mental health? What can we do for our youth who are hurting, lonely, abandoned?