Cecil Bohanon and John Horowitz: Solving social problems requires trade-offs
Over 90% of the El Salvadoran public approves of the government led by Nayib Bukele, who calls himself the “world’s coolest dictator.”
Over 90% of the El Salvadoran public approves of the government led by Nayib Bukele, who calls himself the “world’s coolest dictator.”
Hoosiers might be familiar with the term “pivot” from basketball, where you keep one foot in place (the plant foot) and move the other foot around to shift direction or get leverage.
Howard Kellman’s broadcast journey, built on initiative, hustle and postage stamps, can go toe-to-toe with nearly anyone’s.
The partners in Columbus are to be commended for banding together to try to find solutions to such problems.
Our nomination deadlines for these programs are not arbitrary.
Not-for-profit StateRAMP is gaining traction nationwide while growing quality tech jobs in Indiana.
Keep pressing them to be critical until they offer something. Once that seal is broken, candor can take hold.
Forty years ago, if you said, “Go Google it,” or, “Let’s meet up by Zoom,” the expressions would have been incomprehensible, and your friends might have wondered what was wrong with you. Yet today, they are commonly understood.
Spark is a welcome addition to downtown and the Circle in particular—one it feels like the city has been building up to for too long.
Enjoy reading and learning who made the list this year and all the fun facts about Indiana’s leaders.
In this week’s column, I focus on how we recruited Megawatt’s team, and more specifically, where I was able to find people crazy enough to join me on this startup adventure.
It’s critical that higher education leaders become more attuned to the evolving landscape of the workforce and, as a result, begin creating and expanding academic programs in high-demand fields such as K-12 education, health care, information technology and business.
The crisis is too urgent for posturing: We must do what it takes to save kids’ lives in our city and give our police the tools they need to bring order to our streets.
Taking a walk down “Memory Lane” sometimes brings back painful memories but can also reinforce important lessons.
Economics considers individuals who cooperate with others through networks such as markets and institutions to achieve common goals.
Imagine the workplace today. How much grace and patience do we give people to succeed?
It’s widely believed to be their most promising collection of talent since the team that advanced to the conference finals in 2013 and 2014
It’s a welcome development that should help reinvigorate the museum, generate more excitement for it among Hoosiers, give its many out-of-state visitors a more tantalizing experience, and make the institution a bigger part of the city’s arts and culture scene.
Both parties are guilty of demonizing the other and using the polarization that they create to raise funds, bring notoriety to themselves, and stake out positions that are all-or-nothing, thus all but eliminating problem-solving and compromise.
Awareness, understanding, nutrition and regular physical activity can teach lifelong healthy habits and stave off obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.