Pete the Planner: Ask vulnerable questions to avoid overconfidence
People’s financial success can be impacted by what they choose to place their confidence in. False financial confidence is frequently rooted in denial, ignorance and delusion.
People’s financial success can be impacted by what they choose to place their confidence in. False financial confidence is frequently rooted in denial, ignorance and delusion.
The major differences between economists and non-economists are their assumptions about the goals of individual investors.
If an idea is truly great, someone has likely thought of it before but might have hit a roadblock or moved on to something else. The real opportunity lies in overcoming those initial obstacles and finding product-market fit.
The expansive search, a list that has included 14 names over the course of the past month, has given a whole new meaning to the word expansive.
An improved overpass would be a great gateway for the East Street corridor.
Staying the course is similar to patients continuing their treatment and taking their medications.
My colleagues’ intention was to help, but the impact was hurt feelings.
Regardless of your participation or success with “Dry January,” “Frugal February” is a chance to focus on your financial health.
Some people will tell you today’s players are softer, less respectful of authority, hold themselves less accountable and are as likely to quit as fight through adversity.
For a team that canned its head coach in the middle of the season and benched three different quarterbacks four different times, many have been asking what fate awaits General Manager Chris Ballard.
A recent national survey of apartment developers by the National Multifamily Housing Council concluded that 87.5% of developers steer clear of cities with rent-control ordinances when planning projects.
Our community—employers, philanthropy, parents, teachers and students—must come together to lift our schools and hold them accountable to the higher expectations required to thrive in today’s economy.
One catch is that a big increase in assessments across the state—thanks to higher property prices over the past few years—means bills could be up regardless of other changes.
At a time of record tax collections and a healthy surplus, now is the time to double down on strategic economic development initiatives that will help Indiana retain and attract the high-wage jobs of the future.
As a rising tide lifts all boats, so too do the investments in renewable energy manufacturing improve the economic outlook for both rural and urban areas.
The constant stream of small bites made the core value tangible and kept it at the top of our team’s mind, while the leadership team’s participation in these activities signaled importance to the rest of the team.
It’s amazing how quickly you can find yourself highly confident with low stability
If public funds were allocated to another public use or returned to the taxpayer, they would produce jobs in other sectors. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
The games of past decades weren’t as good as many people would like to remember, but nostalgia is a powerful force that filters out negative memories.
This is further proof that the only kind of freedoms Indiana Republicans support are those that align with their ideology and appeal to their wealthy donors.