
Latoya Botteron: Be part of the ‘Book of History’ at the Harrison site

The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site is collecting the names and countries of people who were naturalized at the presidential site since 2003—more than 1,500 people—to list in what is officially being called the “Book of History.” But becuase privacy laws preclude the federal government from providing those names publicly, the site needs help tracking down the names.

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Letter: Next year will be pivotal for Biden, U.S.

As the average working person realizes a lower standard of living due to the greatest rate of inflation in decades, the American economy will be on the edge of falling off the cliff. And printing trillions more dollars will only accelerate the fall.

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Letter: IBJ is wrong about vaccine mandates

If you don’t like government mandates, where is your editorial opposing those pesky speed limits that local, state and federal governments mandate for our safety and health? The examples of government mandates are legion.

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