Mickey Maurer: Fear, hunger, shock and yet gratitude
During our 10 days helping Ukranians in Poland, we did not see a single able-bodied male refugee. They stayed behind to defend their country.
During our 10 days helping Ukranians in Poland, we did not see a single able-bodied male refugee. They stayed behind to defend their country.
should put partisanship aside and tackle gun violence through federally funded research coordinated by a broadly represented public-private task force.
In a new phase of long-term strategies, businesses can consider a metrics-based approach, lobby legislators and local officials to rely on evidence, provide employees and customers with predictability around mask-wearing, and protect health and business operations.
Here’s the thing about the College World Series and Indiana teams: It’s not just a mountain to climb, it’s Everest.
Within the last two months, the Eli Lilly and Co. CEO makes a speech telling us that Indiana needs to get its education act together. Last week, Lilly announces a big project in Whitestown, Indiana.
Critical feedback activates brain circuitry wired for anxiety.
The narrative of abundant, ultra-cheap credit was a tide that lifted asset classes of all types.
Few public policies are as broadly popular as the proposition that infants should have access to baby formula.
Yes, the Pacers could come out of the draft with a meaningful player. Standing sixth in line for the draft presents their best opportunity to get one since 1988, when they took Rik Smits with the second overall pick.
With passage of the innovation bill, the Midwest is ready to jump into action to grow the semiconductor industry and build the innovation and technology economy of the future.•
The impact of dementia has a ripple effect on every aspect of society, impacting families, health care providers and our economy.
But we should consider all of the information we learn within the context of the chaotic time we are living in—and when appropriate, we should give people, policymakers and administrators the benefit of the doubt.
Could Daniels be convinced to jump in the old RV again and run for governor in 2024? If he did and won, Daniels would be the first Indiana governor to be elected to the office three times.
Indiana used to have six semiconductor [fabrication plants]. But for some unknown reason, our politicians (Republican and Democrat, city and state, past and present) as well as their respective economic development officials said that they did not want to support our electronics industry with its semiconductor fabs.
To reduce the use of fossil fuels, it is rather obvious current users will have to find substitutes for its current uses.
I’ve been in several meetings with leaders lately who feel an urgency to take action with respect to changing their office space. However, it’s clear they don’t fully understand the “why” underlying that urgency.
In order to determine how susceptible you are to making a mistake here, simply examine your relationship with gift cards.
Attendance is about one-third of what it once was, the schedule of practices and games has been shrunk from two weeks to one and some players can’t even fit that into their schedules.
Believing victims takes all of us. It starts at home, with open and frequent conversations about consent and healthy and respectful relationships. You can learn how to be an effective bystander. You can talk to your employer about workplace sexual harassment policies. You can contact your federal and local elected official to advocate for survivors. And you can support initiatives that empower survivors.
Diverse teams, including those with greater gender diversity, are on average more creative and innovative and, ultimately, are associated with greater profitability.