Jalene Hahn: Taking advantage of the qualified charitable distribution
One advantage of using a QCD to make a charitable contribution is that the money comes out of the IRA tax-free.
One advantage of using a QCD to make a charitable contribution is that the money comes out of the IRA tax-free.
Ongoing access to resources is necessary for any broadcast, publication or communications network to be viable.
We suggest a more comprehensive approach to making Indiana the best place in the U.S. to do business. That means more intense focus on why workers would want to be here, how we can keep more college grads in the state, and how to encourage greener energy sources.
Congratulations to IBJ staff and contributors who won awards, and thank you to all of the IBJ and Indiana Lawyer staffers who make our news organizations better. We appreciate you all.
The next generation has the experience, knowledge and skill set to come alongside some of your more seasoned employees and usher in new ways of doing things.
The next time your child or grandchild has a game canceled because there are no officials or umpires—and that’s beginning to happen more and more—remember “Mother of the Year” from Mississippi.
David Ricks called on government for help fix Indiana’s business climate. I think we will have to do more—a lot more. State government simply lacks the technological sophistication, budgetary discipline and political consensus to do enough.
Government and policymakers have a large role to play in addressing the state’s economic challenges. But they can’t do it alone. Nor should we expect them to.
While discussions about opportunities for improvement are important, they should also be framed in context of relative strengths. Indiana is strong and getting stronger.
Rotation can’t be used as an excuse to shuffle mediocre performers around just because it’s easier than exiting them, or as a tactic to keep truly unhappy or poor culture fit employees from quitting for a few more months.
I’ve always likened financially weaning adult children to the moment you taught the same children to ride their bikes without training wheels.
In our opinion, the only reason inflation expectations aren’t higher is that the Fed hasn’t lost all credibility in its commitment to lowering inflation.
You could go down the lineup the other night and find all manners of unique journeys to Victory Field.
The aim is for Elanco’s new headquarters to serve as a catalyst for research, development and the creation of new businesses focused on animal health.
Where was the civility, Sen. Young, when members of your party viciously attacked the character of this nominee? Their behavior was only a slight improvement over that of the Democrats during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings.
According to 2021 Prosperity Indiana data, there are only 37 affordable and available rental homes for every 100 households with extremely low incomes (those with incomes at or below the poverty level or 30% of their area median income), tied for the second-lowest rate among 12 Midwest states.
Under this new system, the state, a county, a city, or a town, is empowered to create districts which capture new property taxes, including TIF, but also capture incremental sales and income taxes. This ability creates the potential to generate the most lucrative economic value of any state or local incentive program in Indiana.
Yes, you are very familiar with the Great Resignation, but how much do you know about the “Great Retirement?” The phenomenon is real.
Unfortunately, comparing ourselves to others doesn’t stop when we matriculate through elementary school. In fact, it gets worse. And at the root of the comparison, you’ll most often find money.
Using carbon credits to help fund Indy Parks or land acquisition is not a slam dunk. But it’s an idea worth learning more about.