
Letter: The meaning of words matters

In the past year, how many times have we seen or heard the words “equity,” “inclusion,” “diversity,” “systemic racism,” “social justice”? These are language terms that have been driven into the American mindset and culture and glommed onto by so many organizations and businesses and political groups.

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Letter: Kudos to solar power

I firsthand am receiving the benefits of generating my own power, and with net metering, being part of the solution of the grid and not the problem.

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Editorial: It’s time to rethink IUPUI

IU’s incoming president, Pamela Whitten, and Purdue President Mitch Daniels should start talking now about how to give IUPUI the opportunity to move into the next tier of excellence—and that probably means a name change.

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Editorial: It’s time for city’s mask mandate to go

The CDC said last week that it’s safe for vaccinated people to be indoors without masks, prompting a number of communities that have imposed even stricter limits than Indianapolis to eliminate their mandates for face coverings and limits on the number of people who can gather indoors.

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