
Editorial: Pass legislation to help rid police agencies of bad officers

This is a meaningful piece of legislation that has the support of the Indiana State Police, Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and Indiana Sheriff’s Association, as well as the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, the NAACP and the Indiana Black Expo, plus the Indy Chamber and the Indiana Public Defender Council.

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Editorial: Holcomb got it right, so let his veto stand

It’s disappointing that a Republican-controlled Legislature passed a bill that would preempt local control of something as community based as landlord/tenant regulations. But lawmakers did it and we don’t think they should override the governor’s veto of the bill.

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Letter: Leave law enforcement to the police

From first grade to 12th grade, law enforcement officers came to our schools and stated: “Never take law enforcement into your own hands.” That’s what homeowner groups are doing with license plate cameras.

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