Pete the Planner: How to teach teens the value of investing
I’ve come to learn that three areas need to be addressed when teaching teens how to handle money. They all feel intertwined, but they aren’t.
I’ve come to learn that three areas need to be addressed when teaching teens how to handle money. They all feel intertwined, but they aren’t.
A hot topic right now is the notion of employers offering employees a flexible work environment. However, it leaves a lot of us wondering: Just what does a “flexible work environment” mean, and how does it help us to be our best?
You think Indianapolis had its hands full hosting the NCAA Tournament without the walls crumbling in from COVID? Multiply that by a hundred and you get Tokyo.
We know that, as more companies move to remote working opportunities—and examples of that are all around us—employees will be able to more easily choose where they live. For Indiana and central Indiana to compete, we must step up our game.
I was startled when some extended family members recently expressed shock that I continue to come downtown every day—and that I worked in the IBJ office on Monument Circle regularly through the pandemic. They assumed it was too unsafe.
Assertions that critical race theory is being taught in America’s elementary and high schools are ludicrous. As I have been complaining pretty much forever, schools aren’t even teaching the most basic concepts required for civic literacy.
Beginning with the graduating class of 2023, high school students may help themselves graduate through work-based learning, including internships—an overdue change that should generate dividends, intended and otherwise.
For this team to improve, the perimeter defense must be way better. Our guys seem to lack quickness.
Our surrounding states seem to understand these important way stations that dot our highways are, in and of themselves, indicators of state pride.
Now you can go to, where there’s a form you can fill out to submit a letter directly to IBJ editors.
The nearly total shutdown of an economy and subsequent reopening is a truly unique event without precedent or a playbook.
So we’ve got a genius idea, to which a number of geniuses have contributed. Is that enough for it to break out? Sadly, no.
Horwitz reckoned the greatest misconception about economics is that it deals only with material living standards.
Four men, who might be having the summers of their baseball lives. Four roads that led through the state of Indiana.
Someone who is doing a truly essential service, not a discretionary one, should earn more than $12 an hour.
We urge elected officials, policymakers and civic leaders to consider a strategic and deliberate approach in determining how to best invest and leverage stimulus funds to achieve long-term gains.
Poor mental health drives up health care costs, drives down productivity and can lead to significant absenteeism.
Gov. Eric Holcomb has awarded The Sachem—the state’s highest honor, which is reserved for Hoosiers whose virtue and lifetime accomplishment have significantly benefited the lives of their fellow Indiana residents—to Morris, a long time business and community leader.
Building a better economy as we recover from COVID-19 starts with the millions of home care workers who are struggling to get by on low pay.
Opportunity is relative to your level of exposure. Only when urban students are exposed to something outside their ZIP code can they get a vision for a new normal. And the bridge to a better community and life starts with the infrastructure and access to corporate mentorship.