
Editorial: Remake economic development strategy for post-pandemic times

Even before the pandemic, there were efforts afoot, such as TechPoint’s partnership with TMap, to identify people with an Indiana connection who work outside the state but might be willing to return. We’ve used this space before to encourage such programs, but now there’s a new urgency to making such appeals, and not just to people who already have local ties.

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Letter: Federal deficits aren’t inherently bad

Too few dollars in circulation results in unemployment; too many dollars causes inflation. So, the only issue is whether and how much the government should add to (or subtract from) the money supply in order to achieve low inflation and full employment (in other words run a deficit or a surplus).

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Letter: Gutwein served community well

As past chairs of the Eskenazi Health Foundation (formerly the Wishard Memorial Foundation) we are in a unique position to set the record straight regarding Matt Gutwein. Matt has done as much or more for the Indianapolis community as any person we know and he deserves the thanks and appreciation of the community.

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Letter: Flatten the curve this Election Day

My office is encouraging registered, Marion County voters to vote by absentee ballot. Voting by mail ensures your safety and simultaneously helps flatten demand on the election system ahead of Election Day.

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Nate Feltman: IU’s McRobbie leaves strong foundation

He established six new schools—including the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy on the IUPUI campus, the first of its kind in the nation. He also established the highly acclaimed Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies on the Bloomington campus, bringing IU’s many international assets together under one roof.

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