
Letter: Thank you, Mickey

I am so appreciative of your support of equal opportunities for all, your straight talk on racism and discrimination, for your sensible approach to issues of gay marriage and abortion and all those sticky, scary topics which divide us, especially in Indiana.

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Letter: Maurer column will be missed

Mickey Maurer’s final column brought back a lot of memories of past columns, most of which I agreed with, many of which I learned from, but all of which I frankly enjoyed. Along

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Editorial: Council should give itself a pay raise

The council’s discussion next year should not be whether to approve a pay raise. That’s a slam dunk. It should be about choosing an amount that’s fair and determining how to avoid this kerfuffle in the future.

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Letter: Protect God’s creation

Gary Varvel’s statements regarding man not being able to destroy the climate because God would not allow it is putting way too much of a burden on God for the failures of man.

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Letter: Faith doesn’t justify climate devastation

A naive belief that God will act in the 11th hour to reverse human-caused damage allows the so-called faithful to remain complacent and to continue “business as usual” in the irresponsible exploitation of Earth’s resources.

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